Rocky Horror Wiki

Rocky Horror Wiki has its set of rules and guidelines for users to follow, in order to keep the wiki in a good shape and interactions between users. Disobeying the rules will result in discipline.

All Fandom policies, specifically the Terms of Use and Community Guidelines, apply to all Fandom wikis, meaning all users must follow them.


We are not affiliated with any company or fan club neither we have direct relations with any of them. We are simply fans of their creation, "The Rocky Horror Show" / "Shock Treatment" plays and films, and just want to help other fans by documenting these productions. The Rocky Horror Wiki does not claim the copyright of anything on this site - as it belongs to 20th Century Studiosยฎ, a division of The Walt Disney Companyยฎ, and/or the Rocky Horror Companyยฎ. If you represent one of these companies and want something to be deleted, please contact one of our administrators.

Community content is available under CC-BY-SA except the noted above.

Conduct Guideline

Section 1. About the user

  1. All users must follow the rules of this guideline without exception.
  2. All users must log-in to edit this wiki.
  3. All users must be good to each other - treat people well and talk to each other so we have a better chance of building a great community together.
  4. Look out for each other - speak up for other users if you see them being attacked - not by attacking back, but by trying to calm the situation and help people get along.
  5. Look after yourself - always protect yourself by keeping private stuff private. Your real name, address, school name, photos of yourself or your friends and family - all of these are things you should think twice about sharing. Remember, once it's out online, it's out and you can't get it back.
  6. Respect people's privacy - don't try to get personal or account info from any user especially those under 18.
  7. Don't do anything illegal or encourage other people to. That includes linking to illegal content (including links to copyrighted movie or TV shows) or creating an article, template, category or file that gives instructions on how to do something illegal.
  8. Don't post hate speech. We don't allow homophobic language, ethnic slurs or religious hate. That means no language or content that encourages hatred or violence, or that disparages others on the basis of their race, gender, sexuality, religion, country of origin and so on. The context of language can matter - what's OK in a song lyrics might not be OK on an image caption. But even casual "I didn't mean it offensively" language can be offensive, so don't do it. And remember, an image of a burning cross might be OK illustrating a history wiki article, but not as your wiki's background image.
  9. Don't post porn, shock images, or explicit descriptions of sex (including nudity, artistic nudity, medical or educational nudity). For text, content that just mentions characters have sex is OK. But content that describes exactly how they have sex, is not. Content that describes violent or non-consensual sex is expressly prohibited.
  10. Don't pretend to be other people - don't try to fool people into believing you are someone else. That means don't impersonate other users, or anyone else.
  11. Don't spam - it's not okay to use Fandom to advertise other sites or services. A link to another site might be useful information on a page, but not if it's purpose is to advertise that site. Even worse is if you are adding the link repeatedly, or in places where it's totally off-topic. Spam also mean repeatedly pasting the same thing on wikis or in chat, even if it's not an advert. Don't do that either.
  12. All users have the right to be guided by bureaucrats and administrators if they have any kind of doubt.

Section 2. About the bureaucrats

  1. A bureaucrat must guide any user that has any type of doubts.
  2. A user may be granted the bureaucrat right only by wiki adoption if this community is abandoned and after the approval of Fandom. This community forbids any bureaucrat to grant the bureaucrat status to any user.
  3. Any problem between users will be solved by a bureaucrat - strictly adhering to the rules written on this guideline, in good faith and without being abusive.
  4. A bureaucrat must speak to any user who is not following the rules in this guideline before taking any disciplinary action.
  5. As long as he/she adhere to the rules in this guideline, without being abusive and acting in good faith, a bureaucrat can take whatever disciplinary action he/she sees fit.

Section 3. About the administrators

  1. An administrator (admin) must guide any user that has any type of doubts.
  2. A user can be granted admin status by a bureaucrat if that user shows very good faith in this community, is active for at least 30 consecutive days and has at least 500 good faith edits.
  3. A user can lose the admin status if a bureaucrat doesn't see any more good faith in the admin's edits or if the admin is inactive (don't do edits for 30 consecutive days).
  4. Admins can grant other users discussion moderator and chat moderator status. The admin must notify the bureaucrat before doing this.
  5. Admins can remove other users discussion moderator and chat moderator status. The admin must notify the bureaucrat before doing this.

Discussion Guideline

Section 4. About the user

  1. Users will adhere to the following when posting or commenting anywhere in the wiki and Discussion.
  2. The User Conduct guideline is applied in Discussions.
  3. All users must be treated fairly and with respect.
  4. Discussions must keep civil and open-minded about differing opinions.
  5. Discussions with any type of swearing are not allowed.
  6. Discussions unrelated to Rocky Horror Wiki are not allowed.
  7. Discussions with unsolicited advertisement of other wikis/sites/groups/organizations are not allowed.
  8. Discussions with any hateful speech or any form of harassment are not allowed.
  9. Discussions with users impersonating a wiki staff member or other user are not allowed.
  10. Discussions about any personal issues unrelated to the wiki are not allowed.
  11. Discussions sharing personal social media or any real-life information unrelated to the wiki are not allowed.
  12. Discussions with spam, trolling, or similar of any kind are not allowed.

Editing Guideline

Section 5. About the user

  1. Users will adhere to these editing guidelines in order to keep the Rocky Horror Wiki professional and clean.
  2. The User Conduct guideline is applied while editing.
  3. Users must read the editing help page created by Fandom in order to edit properly.
  4. Users have the right to be guided in any editing doubts by all bureaucrats and administrators.
  5. Users are protected from disciplinary actions if any editing doubts are not solved by a bureaucrat or administrator.

Section 6. About formatting

  1. The design of this wiki can only be changed by bureaucrats and admins but other users can propose changes. Admins can only make changes to the design of this wiki with the approval of a bureaucrat.
  2. Some templates on this wiki are protected so only admins can edit them. This is because these templates are very important to the wiki as they appear on several article pages so any edit on them will affect several articles. Only bureaucrats and admins can edit them - however, other users can propose changes to these templates and, if the bureaucrats or admins accept this changes, they will made them (not the users). If the proposed changes are not accepted by the bureaucrats or admins, the user must respect this.
  3. Users who are not bureaucrats or admins can create new templates as long as the template is necessary. If not, a bureaucrat or admin can mark the template for deletion and eventually delete it. If the wiki is under Housekeeping status, a bureaucrat or admin can delete the template immediately without marking it for deletion or notifying the user.
  4. Users who are not bureaucrats or admins can edit templates that are not protected as long as they do it in good faith. Bureaucrats or admins can undo these changes if they see fit and the user must respect this. If the edit was not in good faith, severe disciplinary actions will be made.
  5. Design format must follow a similar design to similar pages (example: a character article must look similar to other character articles). As templates are part of this design, users must not change or affect this design - but they can propose changes to a bureaucrat or an administrator. Unwanted changes on an article design will lead to disciplinary actions.

Section 7. About spam

  1. Only good-faith editing is allowed on this wiki. Any form of spam, trolling, or similar of any kind is not allowed.
  2. Creating duplicated or unnecessary articles and/or categories is a form of spam.
  3. Changing the name of an article created by another user without a proper reason like grammar or an article created with a wrong name, is a form of spam.
  4. Creating very short articles without adding the "Stub" template is a form of spam.
  5. Adding unnecessary categories or links to articles is a form of spam.
  6. Mistakes can be made while editing- but editing the same page multiple times in a row (more than 3) is a form of spam even if the editing is in good faith.
  7. All users must add a truthfully summary to every edit they made. Not doing this multiple times is a form of spam.
  8. Everything written in this wiki must be in English. Writing in another lenguage is a form of spam.

Files Guideline

Section 8. About the user

  1. Users will adhere to these files guidelines in order to keep the Rocky Horror Wiki professional and clean.
  2. All users must look for similar files before uploading to avoid duplicate files.
  3. All users must only upload decent quality files.
  4. All users must read and follow the steps to upload a file.
  5. All users must read and follow the steps to add additional categories only to photos containing characters.
  6. All users must read and follow the steps to add a file to an article or a gallery page.

Section 9. About the files

  1. All files must be unique and don't have duplicates or similar files.
  2. All files must have a decent quality.
  3. All files must have a short name consisting in more letters than numbers.
  4. All files must have a correct Licensing.
  5. All files must have a correct Category.
  6. All character files must have correct additional categories.
  7. All files must be in use

Deleting Guideline

Section 10. About the user

  1. Users will adhere to this deleting guideline in order to keep the Rocky Horror Wiki professional and clean.
  2. Users must follow Rocky Horror Wiki Guideline to avoid having an article, category, template or file nominated for speedy deletion. Nonetheless, the user's ignorance of the Guideline does not exempt a nomination nor the deletion process.
  3. Users have the right to be notified if a nominee was created/uploaded by them and to have a proper nomination by the addition of the "Delete" template. Not following this two criteria immediately stops the deletion process. Deleting a nominee without following this criteria is consider abusive and will lead to disciplinary actions. The only exception of this amendment is Housekeeping status.
  4. Users can make a nomination for speedy deletion as long as the nominee doesn't stick to the Rocky Horror Wiki Guideline. This nomination must be in good faith and without being abusive. Unfounded nominations are consider abusive and will lead to disciplinary actions.
  5. Users who made a nomination for speedy deletion must add the "Delete" template to the nominee, inform the user who created/uploaded the nominee, and wait a time period of 15 days before deleting the nominee. During that time, the user who made the nomination must check the candidates for deletion talk page to see if any discussion was made to stop the deletion process. If no discussions are made after the 15 days time period then the user can delete the nominee and report this deletion on the candidates for speedy deletion talk page. Not following this criteria is consider abusive and will lead to disciplinary actions.
  6. If the criteria for Section 10, Amendment 5 was not followed, a bureaucrat or an admin can restore a deleted nominee. Nonetheless, sticking to the Rocky Horror Wiki Guideline, they can also start a new deleting process for the nominee.
  7. Users have the right to stop a deleting process by adding a discussion on the candidates for deletion talk page. In this discussion they must give a solid and valid reason to avoid the nominee to be deleted. If the reason is valid then the process stops, if not then continues. A bureaucrat or an admin can solve any discussions, sticking to the Rocky Horror Wiki Guideline, and users must respect these decisions. Not following this criteria is consider abusive and will lead to disciplinary actions.
  8. About Housekeeping status. A bureaucrat or an admin can directly delete anything, without nominating first and without notifying other users, if Housekeeping status in on. The Rocky Horror Wiki is under this status every September 1 to November 30 of every year because of the high traffic of the site during these months. Housekeeping status can be activated other times of the year - but - every user must be notify via the Discussion page by a general post stating the day of beginning and the day of finish of this status. All users must respect this status because is in good faith for the wiki. Any deletion by this status will be marked as such and must be reported on the candidates for deletion talk page with a solid reason (like formating, design, helping to navigate more fluenty eliminating confusing categories or articles, etc.) Deleting something without solid Housekeeping reasons is consider abusive and will lead to disciplinary actions. Any deletion made under this status can't be undo.
  9. Users can revert any deletion no longer than 30 days after the deletion. To do so, users must talk to a bureaucrat or an admin and made a solid reason to revert the deletion. Users must respect any deleting decisions and reuploading any deleted page/cateogry/template/file will lead to disciplinary actions.

Section 11. About the nominations

  1. Any page/cateogry/template/file can be nominated for speedy deletion if they don't follow the the Rocky Horror Wiki Guideline.
  2. A proper nomination must follow Section 10, Amendment 5.
  3. Nominees can only be saved by following Section 10, Amendment 7 and 9.
  4. Nominees can only be eliminated by following Section 10, Amendment 5.
  5. Reuploaded nominees will be deleted again as many times as necessary and Section 10, Amendment 9 will come into effect to the user reuploading nominees.

Blocking Guideline

Section 12. First time occurrences

  1. Disobedience of this Guideline for the first time leads to a blocking from 3 days to 1 month depending on the severity of the action; the time will be decided by a bureaucrat or administrator.

Section 13. Second time occurrences

  1. Disobedience of this Guideline for the second time leads to a blocking from 3 to 6 months depending on the severity of the action; the time will be decided by a bureaucrat or administrator.

Section 14. Third or more time occurrences

  1. Disobedience of this Guideline for the third time or more leads to a blocking from 1 year to indefinite time depending on the severity of the action; the time will be decided by a bureaucrat or administrator.

Disclaimer: These rules apply only to the Rocky Horror Wiki and came into effect on November 18, 2019 and continue to this day 04 / 19 / 2024. All users can suggest changes to these rules by talking to a bureaucrat. All disputes will be decided by the Bureaucrat or the Fandom team.
Current bureaucrat and admin: Issac.


Rocky Horror Wiki
